I am unabashedly a supporter of President Obama. As a black woman, it seems that my support of him would be ordinary, it can easily be dismissed. Initially, during the election, I was unclear where I would place my support. Wanting desperately to see a woman in office, I felt sort of split. I respected Hilary Clinton intelligence and obvious skill set. Then, Senator Obama was clearly a gifted speaker, elegant, poised a damn near poster boy of election magnetism. I wasnt clear of what direction I would go, ironically it was one of the "scandals" that cemented my vote. When I finally saw the Youtube of Rev. Wright< I thought now if this was his pastor, I most definitely have to give this man a second look. The more I listened to, the more interested I became. As the election began to pick up steam, I was full throttle ahead. Now two years later, the enthusiasm has died down, the sparkle is little less shiny but the admiration is stronger than ever. I dont agree with everything President Obama does, and in terms of race issues his administration gets a big, fat F. They have done a terrible job, of traveling throught the racial terrain and need help desperately. I have and will always be anti-war, dont understand why we are still in Afghanistan, destroying yet another country in the name of freedom. Those are issues he has to deal and wrestle with, I will never support it. Overall, I am thrilled that he is our President, the incredible drive, the committment to doing good work, his intelligence, spiritual center, integrity. The sheer amount he has accomplished is just staggering, every President before and after have alot to answer for because he has set the bar so high. I am proud he is our representative abroad, we couldnt have done better. As a practioner of Nichiren Buddhism ( yet still a G*d centered woman, crazy but I work it out), I have struggled to understand the mentor-disciple relationship, until now. I still have issues with President Ikeda being my mentor but I am completely on board with President Obama. I understand my role as his disciple. Obvioulsly, he is not a deity to me but I respect his vision for this country and I completely support it. I will question his missteps, be disappointed in some his decisions but I will continue to support him every way I can. I wanted change and I understand that I am not a child, I have to participate and encourage where I see movement. For me President Obama, is the movement I want to continue to see move forward and upward. That's why I am soldier in his army.
AuthorAn Actor/Director sharing her thoughts on creativity in this crazy metropolis, New Yawk Citay. Archives
January 2025