On Martin Luther King rememberance day, as Babarras dishonorably takes the seat as the leader of this nation, I will celebrate this woman right here. Thank you Kamala Harris for bringing energy, intelligence, full belly laughter, a fierce silk press, attractiviness, HBCU swagger and a belief in something different. I am sorry that our country, has not and will not deal with its' incredible misogny. It's an embarrassement as a nation that when presented with a dangerous felon and a effective prosecutor, this nation chose the felon because he was a man. Many only see MAGA but the fear of the feminine leadership runs deep even among the progressives. Your were blamed for things that you didn't do, couldn't do and was there by association. Your black girl magic team put on one of the best Dem Conventions ever, the roll call was the turn up party of the year! I don't know how you had the stamina to do what you did in 107 days but there was an energy, a brightness that made us all believe. The way you handled that debate, you made the bully run with his tale between his hoofs. How you have handled this transition should make everyone who DIDNT vote for you ashamed. Your a class act Ms.Harris, you have made our ancestors proud. It was a honor being on your team #kamalaharris #hbcugrad #aka1908
Wow Frankie Beverly, ..there are so many aspects of black culture that has been asbsorbed into mainstream culture that many forget it's origin story...one of the few that are exquistely ours is ... Frankie Beverly. This past summer in New Hampshire, while directing Skeleton Crew there was a cook-out and one of the most poignant moments is when all the blk ppl in the room, regardless of age, sang along to "Before I Let Go'. Maze is a part of ever black family reunion, every Homecoming, every BBQ, every Saturday nite while growing up sitting on the stoop. There is a reason that Bey included him on the HomeComing show, he is as historically black as drumlines & stepping. He is our macaroni & cheese, our black-eyes peas, our Martin reruns, our "Da*mn, D*amn, D*am, our ratchet country cousins...he is our joy. Even when he lost his voice, we just sang along. Sometimes you just get so comfortable, you can forget thier importance. Brotha the black community. salutes you! #frankiebeverly #maze #beforeIletgo #blackbrillance #blackexcellence #performance #blacksingers
![]() My first love, has now been released to her next level. As you can see from the picture this is years ago when my collagen was on fleek! This is our first trip together to Northampton, which is just the gayest line ever. I had feelings for a couple of people before Nancy but she was the first person to capture my heart. The beauty of my relationship with Nancy is that I could be my whole self with her. She was a little older than myself and had been through some trials which gave her the ability to remain alert and nonjudgmental. It is a gift when you can be all of who you are with a person and still be received and loved.. I am not sure if I have experienced anything quite like that with anyone else. Nancy and I truly loved each other and that's not just the pretty romantic love because our breakup was horrible. Yet on the other side of it, I learned one of the most valuable lessons of my life, when you truly love someone, you always love them. I truly loved Nancy and she truly loved me. In the sadness of this transition I also am able to hold on to this fact, my life is before Nancy and after Nancy. I am blessed to have known someone who impacted my life. It is because of Nancy, that I pursued my artistic life, she supported me in every way and always believed in my promise. Nancy is the reason I floss, ( corny, I know), Nancy is the reason I use olive oil, she is the first person to make me feel beautiful. There was ALOT of not great things too, let's be clear but there is enough acknowledgment of pain right now. I want to celebrate love and this was a woman who loved. The woman who became her life partner, was with her to the absolute end and her children became Nancy's children . Her friends LOVED HER. Nancy's rode was a hard one, in a just world it wouldn't have been. She was incredibly intelligent, well read and she had sound judgement. She was also a queer black woman who felt she had to always justify her existence. I am glad she is in a place where she no longer has to proof her worth. The heavens are better for having her in it. I wish her endless joy. |
AuthorAn Actor/Director sharing her thoughts on creativity in this crazy metropolis, New Yawk Citay. Archives
January 2025